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學 生 演 講

一、 主講人:蔡承恩
講 題:利率定義及應用
時 間:99年6月18日(星期五) 15:10-15:30
摘 要:

利息是投資這筆錢(或本金)所賺取的收入。原始本錢的投入稱為本金,本金和利息的加總稱為終值(Future value)。轉換成利息的比率大部分又稱為利率,即在某一單位時間從本金所賺取到利息的比例。


出處:David M. Knox (1993) Mathematics of Finance. 施能仁 翻譯

二、 主講人:姚德凱
講 題:Normal Correlation Models 及 Standardized Multiple Regression Models
時 間:99年6月18日(星期五) 15:30-15:50
摘 要:
Normal Correlation Models 及 Standardized Multiple Regression Models是迴歸分析上的兩種特殊模型。我將先簡單的介紹上述兩種模型的型式及其適用情形,另外將以適當的例子說明如何檢定和估計這兩種模型的參數,並討論他們參數之間的相關性。

Michael H. Kutner, Christopher J. Nachtsheim, John Neter, William Li (2005). Applied Linear Statistical Models. 5th Edition. McGRAW. Chapter 2.11 & 7.5

三、 主講人:謝昆凌
講 題:Generating a Random Sample by Quantile Functions
時 間:99年6月18日(星期五) 15:50-16:05
摘 要:
In this presentation, we will introduce how to generate a random sample from a given distribution by using a quantile function, which is nothing but the inverse of a cumulative distribution function F when F is continuous and has an inverse. This method is useful for generating both continuous and discrete deviates when the quantile function has a closed form. We will illustrate the method by simulating exponential distribution and discussing the distribution of sample variance of a Poisson sample.

George Casella and Roger L. Berger (2001), Statistical Inference. 2nd Edition. (Publisher?) Chapter 5.6.1-5.6.2.

四、 主講人:簡佩君
講 題:Generating a Random Sample by Accept-Reject Method
時 間:99年6月18日(星期五) 16:05-16:25
摘 要:
The traditional method of generating random variable is inverse CDF method. When cumulative distribution functions cannot be expressed in closed form, we will (one could) use others (other methods). An alternative to the inverse CDF method is the Accept-Reject method. This method is suitable for pdf having closed form (when the associated pdf has a closed form). We would introduce Accept-Reject Method and simulate a sample from Beta distribution as an example.

George Casella and Roger L. Berger (2001), Statistical Inference. 2nd Edition. (Publisher?) Chapter 5.6.2-5.6.3.

時間 : 15:10 ~ 16:25
講師 : 碩士班學生
地點 : 理學院A324會議室
性質 : 演講
演講日期 : 2010-06-18
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