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Axiomatic characterizations and a non- cooperative justification of the constrained equal benefits rule in airport problems
  題:Axiomatic characterizations and a non- cooperative justification of the constrained equal benefits rule in airport problems
We propose two properties, bilateral consistency and converse consistency, and study their implications, when imposed singly together with other properties, in airport problems.  We show that the constrained equal benefits rule, which equalizes agents' benefits subject to no one receiving a subsidy, satisfies the two properties, and then base axiomatic arguments in favor of the rule on bilateral consistency or converse consistency.  In addition, we use bilateral consistency and converse consistency as guides to design an extensive form game, and show that the unique subgame perfect equilibrium outcome of the game is the contribution vector suggested by the constrained equal benefits rule.  This result provides a non-cooperative justification of the rule.
※※※                       ※※※se991112C
截止日期 : 99-11-12
時間 : 15:10-16:50
講師 : 胡政成教授
地點 : 理學院A324會議室
性質 : 演講
演講日期 : 2010-11-12
Table './epagedb/ptlog_001' is marked as crashed and should be repaired select ptlog_seq as col from ptlog_001 where id=1024 and ptlog_type="pt" and ptlog_part=14828 and ptlog_lang="zh-tw" and ptlog_cycle=0 and ptlog_date="2025-02-23" limit 0,1