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專 題 演 講
一、主講人:王琮富 博士候選人
講 題:An Extension of Egalitarian Solutions
時 間:98年12月25日(星期五) 15:00-16:00
摘 要
A cooperative game with transferable utilities (TU game) describes a situation in which players can obtain certain payoffs by cooperation. A solution mapping for these games is a mapping which assigns to every game a set of payoff distributions over the players in the game. The mathematical approach to a proposed solution is to examine a number of its elementary properties and, if possible, to provide a minimal number of properties which fully characterize the solution. One of the most well-known solutions for TU games (Shaply value) has been introduced by Shapley in 1953. In 1985, Kalai and Samet extended the (weight) Shapley value to egalitarian solutions from TU games to non-transferable utilities games (NTU games) and characterized these solutions.

Here we continue and develop Kalai and Samets' (1985) work on similar topics. A multi-choice game (introduced by Hsiao and Raghavan in 1992), is a generalization of a game in which each player has a certain number of activity levels at which he or she can choose to play. This raises the question whether Kalai and Samets' (1985) result extends to multi-choice NTU games. The answer is positive. We extended the notion of the egalitarian solutions and, relying heavily on Kalai and Samets' (1985) methods, proved the coincidently axiomatic result.

※※※ 歡 迎 參 加 ※※※se981225C

學 生 演 講
一、 主講人:馮鈺軒、郭建立、施婉婷
講 題:R軟體簡介及應用
時 間:98年12月25日(星期五) 16:10-16:50
摘 要:
R是一套廣泛應用於統計分析及繪圖的語言及軟體,最初是由Ross Ihaka及Robert Gentleman從S語言所發展出來,後來R軟體的開發人員逐漸增加並加入自由軟體基金會的GNU計畫,經過多年發展後,R目前已是一套功能強大且廣為使用的自由軟體。本次演講目的在於循序漸進地帶領大家學習R軟體,演講內容則涵蓋R軟體的下載安裝、基本語法、製作繪圖、初階統計分析與計算,最後將舉例說明實際的使用方式。

※※※ 歡 迎 參 加 ※※※se981225C

時間 : 15:00 ~ 16:50
講師 : 博士候選人&碩士班學生
地點 : 理學院A324會議室
性質 : 演講
演講日期 : 2009-12-25