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【應數系演講-104-04-15】Maximizing the sum of quadratic ratios on the unit sphere via semidefinite programming approach
國立東華大學應用數學系 專 題 演 講 主講人:許瑞麟 國立成功大學數學系 講 題: Maximizing the sum of quadratic ratios on the unit sphere via semidefinite programming approach 時 間:104 年 04月 15 日 (星期三) 10:00-12:00 地 點:理工一館 A324會議室 摘 要 The talk is about solving a type of "sum-of-ratios'' fractional programming which is known to be NP-hard. Due to many local maxima, finding the global maximizer is in general difficult. The best attempt so far is a critical point approach based on a necessary optimality condition. The problem therefore has not been completely solved. Our novel idea is to replace the generalized Rayleigh quotient by a parameter $\mu$ and generate a family of quadratic subproblems $({\rm P}_{\mu})'s$ subject to two quadratic constraints. Each $({\rm P}_{\mu})$, if the problem dimension $n\ge3$, can be solved in polynomial time by incorporating a version of S-lemma; a tight SDP relaxation; and a matrix rank-one decomposition procedure. Then, the difficulty of the problem is largely reduced to become an one-dimensional maximization problem over an interval of parameters $[\underline{\mu},\bar{\mu}]$. We propose a two-stage scheme incorporating the quadratic fit line search algorithm to find $\mu^*$ numerically. Computational experiments show that our method solve the problem correctly and efficiently. Finally, we show that this approach can be further extended to solve the sum of three quadratic ratios.
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