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【應數系演講-104-04-15】Maximizing the sum of quadratic ratios on the unit sphere via semidefinite programming approach





  題: Maximizing the sum of quadratic ratios on the unit sphere via semidefinite programming approach

  間:104 04 15 (星期三)  10:00-12:00

  點:理工一館 A324會議


The talk is about solving a type of "sum-of-ratios'' fractional programming which is known to be NP-hard. Due to many local maxima, finding the global maximizer is in general difficult. The best attempt so far is a critical point approach based on a necessary optimality condition. The problem therefore has not been completely solved. Our novel idea is to replace the generalized Rayleigh quotient by a parameter $\mu$ and generate a family of quadratic subproblems $({\rm P}_{\mu})'s$ subject to two quadratic constraints. Each $({\rm P}_{\mu})$, if the problem dimension $n\ge3$, can be solved in polynomial time by incorporating a version of S-lemma; a tight SDP relaxation; and a matrix rank-one decomposition procedure. Then, the difficulty of the problem is largely reduced to become an one-dimensional maximization problem over an interval of parameters $[\underline{\mu},\bar{\mu}]$. We propose a two-stage scheme incorporating the quadratic fit line search algorithm to find $\mu^*$ numerically. Computational experiments show that our method solve the problem correctly and efficiently. Finally, we show that this approach can be further extended to solve the sum of three quadratic ratios.

※※※                       ※※※se1040415 附檔:

時間 : 10:00-12:00
講師 : 許瑞麟
地點 : 理工一館A324會議室
性質 : 演講
演講日期 : 104年04月15日
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