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【應數系演講-104-03-04】 Introduction to Tropical Geometry in IPython





  題: Introduction to Tropical Geometry in IPython

  間:104 03 04 (星期三)  10:00-12:00

  點:理工一館 A324會議


Tropical geometry has been rapid developed in recent years. Roughly speaking, tropical geometry study the image of classical geometric objects through a certain valuation map. Therefore, one can expect the properties we find in tropical geometry somehow reflect the properties in classical geometry, and we may solve some classical geometry problems in much simpler methods. In this talk, we introduce some basic notions of Tropical Geometry in an interactive programming environment called IPython.




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時間 : 10:00-12:00
講師 : 蔡炎龍
地點 : 理工一館A324
性質 : 演講
演講日期 : 104年03月04日
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