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【應數系演講-103-04-11】Transient Solutions for Multi-server Queues with Finite Buffers



主講人:Prof. Winfried Grassmann

                   Department of of Computer Science, University of Saskatchewan

     Transient Solutions for Multi-server Queues with Finite Buffers

     間:103 04 11 (星期五15: 20-16:50

     點:理工一館 A324 會議室


 Transient solutions for M/M/c queues are important for staffing call centers, police stations, hospitals and similar institutions. In this paper we show how to find transient solutions for M/M/c queues with finite buffers by using eigenvalues and eigenvectors. To find the eigenvalues, we create a system of difference equations where the coefficients depend on a parameter x. These difference equations allow us to search for all eigenvalues by changing x. To facilitate the search, we use Sturm sequences for locating the eigenvalues. We also show that the resulting method is numerically stable.



※※※                       ※※※se1030411  附檔:

時間 : 15:20-16:50
講師 : Winfried Grassmann
地點 : 理工一館A324會議室
性質 : 演講
演講日期 : 103年04月11日
Table './epagedb/ptlog_001' is marked as crashed and should be repaired select ptlog_seq as col from ptlog_001 where id=1024 and ptlog_type="pt" and ptlog_part=68752 and ptlog_lang="zh-tw" and ptlog_cycle=0 and ptlog_date="2025-02-23" limit 0,1