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【應數系演講-102-10-04】More neighbors, more efficiency





  題: More neighbors, more efficiency

  間:102 10 04 (星期五)  15:20-16:50

  點:理工一館 A324會議


  This paper considers a finite population of agents located on an arbitrary fixed network.

 Every agent plays a coordination game with his neighbors. If one neighbor’s payoff from

some specific interaction exceeds his average payoff per interaction, the neighbor is

perceived as better performing. Over time agents imitate the actions of their better

performing neighbors; occasionally they make mistakes. Sufficient conditions for both the

emergence of Pareto efficient convention and emergence of risk dominant convention

are provided. Additionally,this paper illustrates the main results through relevant examples.




※※※                       ※※※se1021004

時間 : 15:20-16:50
講師 : 崔志偉
地點 : 理工一館 A324 會議室
性質 : 演講
演講日期 : 102年10月04日
Table './epagedb/ptlog_001' is marked as crashed and should be repaired select ptlog_seq as col from ptlog_001 where id=1024 and ptlog_type="pt" and ptlog_part=61069 and ptlog_lang="zh-tw" and ptlog_cycle=0 and ptlog_date="2025-02-23" limit 0,1