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【應數系演講-102-06-26】The Peter-Weyl Theorem



主講人:Ivan Todorov
Queen's University Belfast, U.K.

  題:The Peter-Weyl Theorem

  間:102 06 26 (星期三)  15:00-16:30

  點:理工一館 A324 會議室


This talk will be an introduction to the theory of compact groups. We will introduce the basic notions of the theory, such as an irreducible representation of a compact group, the Haar measure, convolutions of functions defined on a group, and will then make our way through to the fundamental in Harmonic Analysis Peter-Weyl Theorem. The talk will be intended for non-specilists and postgraduate students








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時間 : 15:00-16:30
講師 : Ivan Todorov
地點 : 理工一館 A324 會議室
性質 : 演講
演講日期 : 102年06月24日
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