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謝思民 教授


電話:03-8903524  傳真: 03-8900161


  美國西北大學物理博士 1988
  美國密西根大學安娜堡校區統計博士 1995




  1. Tse, S.M., “On the cumulative quantile regression process”, Mathematical Methods of Statistics, Vol. 18, pp. 270-279, 2009. NSC 94-2118-M-259-005
  2. Tse, S.M., “A Law of the Iterated Logarithm for Kernel Density Estimtor under Random Censorship and Truncation” Acta Sci. Math. Vol. 74, pp.399-412, 2008. NSC 91-2118-M-256-005 
  3. Tse, S.M. “Lorenz Curve for left truncated and right censored data” Annals of Institute of Statistical Methematics, Vol. 58, pp. 675-686, 2006. (SCI) NSC 92-2118-M-259-003  
  4. Tse, S.M. “Quantile Process for left-truncated and right-censored data”.Annals of Institute of Statistical Methematics 57(1): 61-69 MAR 2005. (SCI) NSC 90-2118-M-259-006 
  5. Tse, S.M. “Strong Gausslan Approximations in the Left Truncated and Right Censored Model” Statistica Sinica, vol. 13 No.1, 275-282, 2003. (SCI) NSC 89-2118-M-259-011Tse, S.M., “Strong Gaussian Approximation in the Random
    Truncation Model”, Statistica Sinica, vol. 10, No.1, 281-296, Jan. 2000. (SCI)
  6. Tse, S.M. “Quantile Process for left-truncated and right-censored data”. Annals of Institute of Statistical Mathematics. Vol.57,No.1,61-69,2005.(SCI) NSC 90-2118-M-259-006
  7. Tse, S.M. “Lorenz Curve for truncated and censored data”. (To appear in Ann. Instit. Statist. Math.)
  8. Tse, S.M. “A Law of the Iterated Logarithm for Kernel Density Estimtor under Random Censorship and Truncation”. (Submitted) NSC 91-2118-M-256-005
  9. Hsu, Y.Y., Tse, S.M., Wu, B., “A New Approach of Bivariate Fuzzy Time Series Analysis to the Forecasting of a Stock Index”. Interntional Journal of Uncertainty, Fuzziness and Knowledge-Based Systems. Vol 11, No.6, pp.671-690 Dec 2003. (SCIE)
  10. Tse, S.M. “Strong Approximations of the Quantile Process for Randomly Truncated Data” (Technical Report)
  11. Tse, S.M. “Confidence Band for the Cumulative Distribution Function in the Random Truncation Model” (Technical Report)
  12. Tse, S.M. "Lorenz Curve and Gini index for left truncated and right censored data." Annals of the Institute of Statistical Mathematics, vol.58, No.4,pp 675-686, Dec 2006 (SCI)
  13. Tse, S.M., Hsu, Y.Y., A Law of the Iterated Logarithm for Kernel Density Estimtor under Random Censorship and Truncation”. (Submitted) NSC 91-2118-M-259-005
  14. Tse, S.M. (1988). The effective string tension in the finite temperature smooth string model. Phy. Rev. D37, 2337-2343.
  15. Braaten, E., Pisarsk, R.P. and Tse, S.M. (1987). Static potential for smooth strings. Phy. Rev. Lett. 58, 93-96.
  16. Braaten, E. and Tse, S.M. (1987). Perturbative QCD correction to the hard scattering amplitude for the meson form factor. Phy. Rev. D35, 2255-2256.
  17. Braaten, E., Oakes, R.J. and Tse, S.M. (1987). An effective lagrangian calculation of the decay mode of the -lepton. Phy. Rev. D36, 2188-2190.
  18. Braaten, E., Tse, S.M. and Willcox, C. (1986). Electromagnetic form factors in the Skyrme model. Phy. Rev. Lett. 56, 2008-2011.
  19. Braaten, E., Tse, S.M. and Willcox, C. (1986). Electroweak form factors of the Skyrmion. Phy. Rev. D34, 1482-1492.
研究室編號 : 理A416
備註 : 大三:統科組
職稱 : 教授
電話 : 03-8903524
導師時間 : WED 16:10-17:00 ;FRI 15:10-16:00
導師姓名 : 謝思民(Sze-Man Tse)
教師姓名 : 謝思民(Sze-Man Tse)
研究領域 : 經驗過程、大樣本理論、數理統計
OfficeHour : TUE 15:10-16:30;FRI 16:00-16:30