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【應數系演講-102-01-11】An Experimental Study on Monkeys for Neuron Functions in Hand Movement during Reaching and Grasp




    主講人:陳淑娟 教授 

                    Idaho State University

     題:An Experimental Study on Monkeys for Neuron Functions in Hand Movement during Reaching and Grasp

      間:102 01 11 (星期五) 15:20-16:50

      點:理工一館 A324 會議室


  To understand potential encoding mechanism of motorcortical neurons for control commands during reach-to-grasp movements, experiments to record neuronal activities have been conducted in many research laboratories. In order to study neuron mechanism, an experiment was conducted by the Neural Interface Design of the Biodesign Institute at Arizona State University. The experimental protocol was reviewed and approved by ASU Institutional Animal Care and Use Committee. In this talk, we will cover the details of the experiment, the most popular statistical methods applied to analyze the data in this kind of experiments, some challenging issues in the study and our proposed work.

  This is a joint work with Dr. Jiping He at Arizona State University and Dr. Lung-An Li at Institute of Statistical Science, Academia Sinica.






※※※                       ※※※ se1020111



時間 : 15:20-16:50
講師 : 陳淑娟教授
地點 : 理工一館 A324 會議室
性質 : 演講
演講日期 : 102年01月11日
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