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【應數系演講-101-4-11 郭大衛 曹振海教授】




                   Department of Applied Mathematics, National Dong Hwa University

      題: Defensive alliances and secure set of graphs 

      間:101411(星期三) 10:30-11:15





                   Department of Applied Mathematics, National Dong Hwa University

      題:Can the many be smarter than the few?

 Issues, questions and partial answers for ensemble learning in Boosting

      間:101411(星期三)  11:15-12:00



There are quite a few examples, say in biology, that the many can be smarter than the few. Interestingly, the counterexample are no lesser either. In the context of statistical machine learning, Boosting is one of the most important ensemble classifiers emerging in the last decades. In this talk, Boosting  will be served as an example of "the many" . We will discuss issues and questions of this intriguing ensemble classifier and some partial answers will be provided. 



※※※                       ※※※se1010411



時間 : 10:30-12:00
講師 : 郭大衛曹振海
地點 : 理學院A324會議室
性質 : 演講
演講日期 : 101年4月11日
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