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【應數系演講-100-09-30】Averaged Shifted Chi-square Test





  題:Averaged Shifted Chi-square Test



A simple procedure based on the average of shifted chi-square statistics (ASCS) is proposed to improve the classical chi-square procedure for testing whether a random sample has been drawn from a specified continuous distribution. We repeatedly partition the sample space for a number of, say l, times to obtain l respective chi-square statistics. The proposed test statistics is defined as the average value of the resultant l shifted chi-square statistics. We prove that the proposed ASCS is asymptotically distributed as a weighted sum of a finite number of simple chi-square variables by the theory of U-statistics. The proposed procedure is shown to be markedly less sensitive to the choice of anchor position and Monte Carlo experiments demonstrate that it leads to noticeable gains in power. (This is a joint work with J.-S. Wu)



            ※※※                       ※※※se1000930


時間 : 15:10-16:50
講師 : 鄧文舜教授
地點 : 理學院A324會議室
性質 : 演講
演講日期 : 100年9月30日
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