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【應數系演講-100/04/29】A non- parameter decoding methodology with an application to the business cycles
主講人:Dr. Shu- Chun Chen
                  Institute of Mathematics, Academia Sinica
  題:A non- parameter decoding methodology with 
               an application to the business cycles
時  間:100429(星期五)15:10-16:40
In this talk, I will introduce a decoding algorithm, called Hierarchical Factor Segmentation (HFS), what we used in our studies. Performance of the HFS algorithm in terms of total decoding error is compared to the Viterbi algorithm, the most popular method in decoding through computer experiments. In application, Hierarchical Factor Segmentation (HFS) is used to learn the historical sequence of BCDC’s business cycles, announced by National Bureau of Economic Research (NBER), and predict the onset and offset times of recessions based on 7 economic indexes of US economy. Business cycles of Taiwan and 23 countries (global) economics will be discussed as well.
          ※※※                       ※※※se1000429
時間 : 15:10-16:40
講師 : Dr. Shu- Chun Chen
地點 : 理學院A324會議室
性質 : 演講
演講日期 : 2011-04-29
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