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Pooling designs for clone library screening in the inhibitor complex model
  題:Pooling designs for clone library screening in the inhibitor complex model
In this talk we introduce inhibitors into the complex model and call it the inhibitor complex model. In this model, an inhibitor is a third type of complex, other than positive and negative, whose presence may cancel the effect of positive complexes.  In the simplest inhibitor complex model, the 1-inhibitor complex model, the mere existence of a single inhibitor dictates the test outcome to be negative, regardless of the presence of positive complexes.  If the requirement is changed from a single inhibitor to k inhibitors, then it is the k-inhibitor complex model. In general, in a (k; g)-inhibitor complex model, k inhibitors cancel the effect of g positive complexes.  Usually, we do not know the two parameters k and g for sure. We will refer to a model without such specification the general inhibitor complex model.  In this talk, we propose a efficient nonadaptive pooling design for the general inhibitor complex model, i.e., it works against any (k; g)-inhibitor complex model, and extend it to the error-tolerant case.
※※※                       ※※※se991217C
截止日期 : 2010-12-18
時間 : 15:10-16:50
講師 : 張飛黃教授
地點 : 理學院A324會議室
性質 : 演講
演講日期 : 2010-12-17
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